Another subculture emerged in America, again, thanks to England. Feeling the crisis of punks, young people again found themselves in search of alternative self-expression. This is how the Indies movement was born.
This movement absorbed elements of many other subcultures in the U.S.: the simplicity of clothing and moneyless beatniks, hairstyles “Swinging London,” pugnacious jeans and heavy boots punks. After My bloody Valentine, The Smiths and Joy Division flooded the American music market, the youth in the US picked up the new trend, twisting it in their own way.
This is how the grunge subculture was born in Seattle. The musical sound was quite unusual: a mixture of American rock and English punk; the lyrics were gloomy, apathetic and lonely.
The bands Soundgarden, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam became popular. Soon grunge happened to the same story as with punk – the subculture becomes mainstream and loses its relevance among the revolutionary youth. After the introduction to mass culture, the global popularity of grunge grows, but loses its true adherents.

The history of the following American subculture is quite unusual. Its origins go back to the 80s of the last century, but it gained its popularity only in the noughties. We are talking, of course, about emo (from emotional).
The abundance of violence and hardcore punk gave rise to a musical counterpart: lyrical, romantic, sometimes tearful themes of songs put to rock music. But this kind of emotional scene did not last long.
The unusual for the underground music theme was recalled only in the late 90s with the arrival of such artists as My Chemical Romance, Jimmy Eat World and others. The peak of the popularity of emo music came in the 2000s. Since that time, we can talk about the emerged emo subculture.
Adherents of this flow are called emo-boy, emo-girl or emo-kids (kids). Emo romanticize depression, melancholy, death, love suffering. In a crowd of participants of this subculture can be distinguished by their special style: tight jeans and colorful tight shirts, black oblique bangs, badges, shoulder bags, colorful locks of hair, piercings, etc. Some representatives can be found to this day.
No matter what kind of music or subculture you prefer to listen to, American Butler can organize a memorable holiday: visiting rock concerts, grunge festivals, hip-hop battles and many others.